Ground Force Day
I would like to say a huge thank you to all the parents, children and staff who came to help at the Ground Force Day on Saturday May 14th. The woodland area beside the school field was cleared of nettles, rubbish and is now a lovely area for the children to enjoy both for woodland walks and investigations, but also for playtime, especially if it is very sunny, as the area offers beautiful dabbled shade. We also renovated the sand pit, removing old sand and plants and creating a waterproof cover;in addition new sand is arriving this week. The music shed had a much needed clear out and is now much more spacious for both lessons and storage of playground equipment. Thank you to everyone who gave their time and muscle on a Saturday and a special thank you to our hero Mr Hamilton, who brought a whole host of impressive power tools that saved hours of work. Many thanks.
Mrs Gardener May 2016
- Mrs Patnell in action
- Mr Warner Smith and Mr Strudwick clearing paths.
- Mr Willis and Bugsy helping.
- Mr Hamilton clearing paths
- Pleasance and Thomas starting work on a den.