’52 Lives’ visit
We welcomed Grieg from the ’52 Lives’ project into school this morning. Grieg talked with us about what kindness looks like and we thought about how we can all be kind in our school community. Kindness is a theme that fits in especially well at this point in the year as our Christian value this term is ‘Friendship’.
Grieg shared pictures and talked about how the project started and evolved, from one advertisement in a newspaper asking for some carpet off-cuts for a family in need of support, to the global status that the project now enjoys. A school’s version of the project also exists, where schools are invited to make cards, pictures, and send messages of support to individual children who are having a tough time. Grieg told us about a 10 year old girl from Derbyshire, Mollie, who is unwell and has had a lot to deal with in her short life. We all agreed that it would be lovely to make some cards etc to send to Mollie to let her know that other people are thinking about her and to try to brighten up her day. Everyone returned to their classrooms and were given an hour to create something to send. At the end of the morning we gathered in the Hall to share our gifts and to record a video message to send to Mollie.
We are really grateful to Grieg for making time to visit us and enabling us to spread the message of kindness beyond our school community. We hope that Mollie enjoys our messages and gifts when she receives them.
Mrs Strudwick
September 28th 2017