Rogation Walk 2018
The weather last Friday, May 4th, was perfect for our annual Rogation walk. Father Jonathan and Father Paul joined us in the playground, along with a large gathering of enthusiastic parents, family members and friends.
Before we set off Father Jonathan reminded us about the origins of the Rogation walk and said a prayer. He led us into the park and our first stop was at the Estate Office where Mr Woods, The Head Gardener joined us. It’s always really interesting to listen to Mr Woods as he knows so much about each and every tree and plant within the gardens of Sandringham House, and this year was no exception. We visited our favourite tree, the ‘Thumping Tree’, and everybody took part in the annual ‘thump’! After that we wandered along to the lake and were delighted that there were so many fish to be seen…possibly encouraged by the large bucket of food that Mr Woods had brought along! Many of the children had the opportunity to feed the fish and I have never seen so many huge Carp in my seven years of Rogation walks!
Everybody was fascinated by the fish and we lingered at the lake before winding our way up to the grass maze in front of Sandringham House.
In a break from tradition the walk took place in the afternoon this year, and after exploring the maze it was time to head back towards school in order to return in time for the end of the school day. Mr Woods led us through a beautiful shaded area with a shallow stream running through it and we all joined in with the Lord’s Prayer before walking back to school.
We are very grateful to Father Jonathan, Father Paul and Mr Woods for accompanying us, and also to all our family and friends…we hope you enjoyed your afternoon!
Mrs Strudwick
May 11th 2018