Home Learning Week Beginning 11/05/2020
Good Afternoon,
I hope that you were able to enjoy VE Day celebrations and make the most of the Bank Holiday.
I have attached the home learning grid for this week as well as a project set by Miss Coe as she would have been teaching the class during the summer term. There is not an expectation for you to complete all the activities from both grids. Pick the activities that capture the children’s interest. Ideally your children are completing some Maths, English and Reading each day as well as one other curriculum task. It’s great for me to receive pictures of the completed learning as I can add them to the scrap book that I am collating of the children’s achievements during this lockdown period.
All these resources will also be available on the website and if you have any queries or concerns don’t hesitate to get in touch – hos@sandringhamwestnewton.norfolk.sch.uk.
As it is important for me to hear from everyone at least once a week to check in, I will be making calls to anyone I haven’t heard from this week when I am in school tomorrow.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
With Kind Regards,
Mrs King
Home Learning Menu Week beginning 11052020
Miss Coe’s Flat Teacher Project