Tag Rugby Fesitval
During the Autumn Term we had been learning Tag Rugby in our PE lessons so it was great that we could send two teams to the Festival at the West Norfolk Rugby Club on Monday 28th November, 18 teams took part in the afternoon session. It was cold but dry for an afternoon of fun and activity. Rather than be an A and B team, Mrs Bowers gave us names, we were Sandringham Tigers, with Miss Leftley and Sandringham Harlequins with Mrs Day. We played in pools and then the pools were rearranged for a few more matches. Unfortunately not all of these took place as we ran out of time much to the disgust of the children; they were all having a super time. As with other festivals junior coaches officiate and run the games, it is also a non-scoring event but as we know in a game such as rugby, games are there to be won and it didn’t stop the children saying how many they had won when they got back. After a tentative first match against Hilgay the “Harlequins” went on to win all their other matches, whereas the “Tigers” roared out winning all theirs. Both teams showed great Team spirit, discipline, respect for everyone on the pitch and sportsmanship throughout and it was very hard to choose a player from each team who had shown this the most but we did and Charlie Day and Lenny Hipkin received a medal.
It was a super afternoon!