Welcome Back!

…Well, the sun has shone brightly for the start of the school year and the class have quickly settled in and are ready to learn!

In our class information above, there are links to our most recent timetable, curriculum topic web and newsletter.

Our topic this term is: AMAZING AMERICAS.


The children have also been keen to be considered for school council this year and shall announce this week who our reps are this year.

Also, our Year 6’s are, once again, applying for the job of ‘SCHOOL PREFECT.’ This week, we shall know who they will be.

Mrs Reddey

Contact Details

Executive Headteacher: Catherine King

Executive Deputy Headteacher: Nichola Kerr

Secretary: Trish Birrell

Sandringham and West Newton Primary School
School Road, West Newton, Norfolk, PE31 6AXUnited Kingdom01485 540506

©2025 Sandringham and West Norfolk Primary School. Site created by Andy Moyle. Admin