KS1 and KS2 Curriculum

Each class provides parents with an overview of the curriculum for each term, along with a class timetable at the start of each new term. See class pages for this information.

Overall Quality of Teaching Policy

Quality-of-Teaching-Learning-Monitoring-Evaluation-Policy January 2022

Below are the Yearly curriculum overviews for each class and the subject overviews of the curriculum.

Year 5 and 6

YEAR 5&6 Curriculum Overview Cycle A 2022-23

YEAR 5&6 Curriculum Overview Cycle B 2023-24

Year 3 and 4

Curriculum Overview Cycle B (2021-2022)

 Year 1 and 2

Curriculum Overview Cycle A


English Curriculum statement

English Curriculum Statement

The Literacy and Mathematics framework has been organised to provide a whole school progression for the development of skills, knowledge and understanding. In daily lessons children are taught skills in reading and writing through a range of planned activities. Differentiated activities support the less able and extend the more able pupils. Skills and techniques are demonstrated and shared by the teacher through role modelling, shared class work, group and individual activities. Regular guided group work in reading and writing is led by the teacher and supported by another adult in the classroom.
Speaking and listening skills are taught through circle time activities and developed across the curriculum. The school has a good range of fiction and non-fiction books in each classroom and a well-resourced library in school.

Additional information about Phonics

We use the Little Wandle system for the teaching of phonics.

More information can be found here:-





3 I’s Mathematics 2022-23

Maths is taught on a daily basis and follows the structure and objectives outlined in the National Curriculum. Pupils learn to use and apply mental and practical strategies to solve problems that they may face in day-to-day life. Our aim is to make maths as practical and fun as possible, using it in other areas of the curriculum, as appropriate, to make mathematics meaningful and purposeful.

As a school, we follow the effective small steps that White Rose Maths Hub have created to ensure each skill is given the right amount of focus, yet there is flexibility to adapt these steps according to the needs of the class.

Below is the coverage of Mathematics for this academic year:


Year 1 and 2 timetable


Year 3 and 4 timetable


Year 5 and 6 timetable



Useful documents:

PiXL Primary Times Tables Planner

DNEAT Calculation Progression


Religious Education (RE)

RE Statement of Entitlement for Church Schools

RE forms an integral part of the school curriculum and is taught in accordance with the Norfolk Agreed Syllabus 2019, which is an enquiry based approach to learning. The emphasis of RE teaching and learning is primarily spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. There are two attainment targets ‘learning about religion and belief’ and ‘learning from religion and belief’. Effective RE promotes inclusion, challenges inequality, improves mutual understanding and tolerance and enhances community cohesion.


impact intent

Science at Sandringham & West Newton School is about exploring, investigating and discovering to gain knowledge and understanding about the world we live in. We aim to provide pupils with the skills needed to investigate and explore ideas independently. As science is such a practical subject it is taught using a hands-on approach wherever possible. KS1 science it taught through topic time and activities make the subject more meaningful. As pupils move into KS2 they are taught through discrete topics within class lessons.

Art and Design and Technology (D.T.)

Art and design Curriculum statement

All pupils are given the opportunity to solve problems and to design, make and evaluate products. Children are taught to use different tools, techniques and materials throughout the school. DT covers a wide range of activities. These include: designing and making model, using construction kits, sewing, and often cooking.
Information and Communications Technology (I.C.T)
Pupils are encouraged to develop the skills required to use ICT throughout the curriculum and have access to our ICT suite as well as individual laptops and computers in the classrooms. The use of email and the internet are appropriately supervised and the school internet safety rules are regularly reinforced with all pupils.


History Statement

Pupils begin to learn about the past by finding out about everyday life through a range of resources including’ Living History. As their understanding develops, they investigate ways of life beyond living memory, and begin to gain a sense of chronology. Through a topic approach the pupils learn about times and peoples as diverse as the Ancient Egyptians, Ancient Greeks the Victorians and Britain since the 1930’s. Education visits are planned to enrich the topics and to bring History to life.


Geography Statement

Geography begins by helping the pupils to develop an awareness of the immediate surroundings. This learning extends to the world beyond their own locality. The topics incorporate physical geography and human geography.

Art and Design (Art)

Art and desgin 3I policy statments

Children are given the opportunity to study a variety of artists and their work. Studying the work of artists, craft workers and designers helps the pupils make artistic judgements about the nature of quality and usefulness of their creations. Pupils handle a wide range of tools and materials with increasing skill in order to express themselves as artists. They are encouraged to appreciate beauty in art and in nature, wherever it is found. Pupil artwork is displayed for appreciation by all members if our school community


Music Curriculum Statement

Our Music curriculum is supported by the Springwood Cluster Academy. Pupils take part in a range of musical experiences and activities, singing, playing instruments, composing and listening to music. Pupils have the opportunities to perform through assemblies, Church services and school productions, including Cluster Primaries Concerts. Staff teach using the charango music resource and children also have the opportunities for private music lessons with various instruments.

Physical Education (PE)

Physical Education curriculum statement

Many physical activities are provided for the pupils to develop co-ordination and stamina as well as deriving enjoyment from games and physical movement. Pupils take part in a variety of outdoor and indoor games and all KS2 pupils have swimming lessons at a local pool. There are extra curricular school clubs providing the children with an opportunity to develop their skills: this includes outdoor sports such as, football, netball, multi-sports, dance and drama.

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)

PSHE statement Intent implement impact

Our school encourages pupils to take an increasing responsibility for themselves and their own actions. Pupils are taught to respect and value themselves and those around them. Other themes covered in PSHE include, hygiene, lifestyle, safety of self, others and the environment and growing up. Any particular issues that may arise in the course of other schoolwork will be treated in that context according to the age of the child. The process of human development and reproduction is discussed in KS2, with the help of educational television programmes.


RSHE curriculum

The new RSHE curriculum and our approach is explained here.

Sandringham Federation RSE Intent



Our school has chosen to focus on French as our modern foreign language. Pupils have opportunities to learn and practise their French and experience French culture.

French Subject statement

French The Big Idea[1]


Contact Details

Executive Headteacher: Catherine King

Executive Deputy Headteacher: Nichola Kerr

Secretary: Trish Birrell

Sandringham and West Newton Primary School
School Road, West Newton, Norfolk, PE31 6AXUnited Kingdom01485 540506

©2025 Sandringham and West Norfolk Primary School. Site created by Andy Moyle. Admin