Admissions Policy
All admissions are undertaken by Norfolk Local Authority. Applications for admission into Reception need to be made directly to Norfolk County Council. Further details and admission criteria can be found by clicking the following link: Information on admission into Reception.
Admissions policy
Admissions Policy 2022-2023 – Final – Church[25177]
If you wish your child to transfer to us in-year you will need to contact the Local Authority in the first instance. Further information and contact details can be found here: Information on moving schools within the current school year.
Children who will be 5 years old during the academic year will be offered a full-time place in the Reception class. Children who have their 4th birthday in the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms will be offered an afternoon part-time place which will become full-time at the start of the following Autumn term.
Due to our adherence to the Norfolk County Council’s Admissions Code, we must comply with the mandatory requirements of this Code and admissions legislation, which prevents us from confirming placements for September intake. Confirmation of placements will be sent to home addresses.
Order of priority for pupils seeking first admission (as agreed by the governing body) is:
- Children with a statement of special educational needs from a specialist which identifies us as the only school which can meet the needs of the child.
- Children in public care.
- Children living in the area served by the school (Sandringham Estate, West Newton, Appleton, Babingley, Wolferton, Catch Bottom and Castle Rising)
- Those children who have a brother or sister attending the school
- Children who have attended the Sandringham & West Newton Pre-school Group
- Children of families who have a commitment to the ethos of the Church of England supported by a letter of recommendation from their Parish Priest, stating that the applicant attends Sandringham Parish Church Sunday School on a weekly basis and that the applicant’s family attend regular (monthly) Church Services
- All other applicants
- If an applicant within any of the above rules cannot be offered a place, the highest priority will be given to children living nearest to the school within that rule. To determine who lives nearest, distance will be measured on a straight line ‘crow fly’ basis using Ordinance Survey data.
If you wish your child to transfer to us in-year you will need to contact the Local Authority in the first instance. Further information and contact details can be found here:
Information on moving schools within the current school year.