Behaviour Policy

Children are expected to be polite, well mannered and co-operative with everyone involved in school life and show care and consideration for others and their possessions. The school places emphasis on positive reinforcement and praise. The Christian ethos of our school helps to support good behaviour and our children are encouraged to develop a sense of self-discipline and responsibility.

Please see our new Behaviour policy below. Our school rules have been simplified to just 3!

Ready, Respectful, Safe.

Behaviour blueprint

Behaviour Blueprint for the Sandringham Federation of Schools

School House System

Children are allocated into one of three Houses – Balmoral (Blue), Windsor (Green) and Caernarvon (Red). House points are awarded for good work, good effort and displaying a caring attitude throughout the year. Siblings are allocated the same house group.

Award Stickers

Children in Key stage 1 (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) also receive Award stickers for effort, conduct and achievement.

Celebration Assemblies

Achievement is recognised in Celebration Assemblies every Friday with ‘Well Done’ and ‘Three Cs’ (Caring Courteous and Considerate) certificates. This is also an opportunity for the school to celebrate any achievements outside school time, (e.g. sport, music etc), or to play their musical instruments. Parents and friends are welcome to attend.


Positive encouragement is used as frequently as possible, but there are times when further measures are needed. Sanctions include loss of privileges, time out from the main group and occasionally completion of class work in child’s own time. All staff have been trained in the Pivotal Behaviour System and this is the approach we use.  See our Behaviour blue print for the highlights of this system.

Behaviour Blueprint for the Sandringham Federation of Schools

And the full behaviour policy is here :-

Behaviour Policy Sept 2022

Class teachers will deal with minor issues, but refer to the Head if needed. Occasionally, the homework/reading diary may be used as a method of communication with parents. If minor sanctions do not have the required effect, or the problem is of a more serious nature, then parents/carers are contacted to discuss the best course of action. Positive and negative behaviour is monitored and recorded on a daily basis for parents to share their child’s progress towards an agreed standard of behaviour. In certain circumstances, the Headteacher may exclude a pupil in accordance with the DNEAT policy.

Anti-bullying Policy


Bullying at school is identified as a pattern of negative behaviours that affect the well being of a child or adult, either physically or emotionally. In our school EVERYONE has an important part to play in discouraging and preventing bullying from happening. Our aim is to maintain a positive learning environment within a Christian ethos, in which all members of the school community treat each other with courtesy, respect, sensitivity and consideration.
We encourage children or parents to share issues concerning them with the child’s class teacher in the first instance, or to approach a member of the support staff. Teachers will discuss the issues with all children concerned, privately and separately, to gain as much information as possible. We will support the child in need and show the child who has offended how their actions have hurt their classmate, wherever possible involving the offender in “putting things right”. This is to encourage children to take responsibility for their own actions, and to develop a sense of caring for one another as part of our school community.
If a pattern of negative incidents seems to be developing, the matter will be referred to the Headteacher who will involve parents, and speak with all parties concerned.

Contact Details

Headteacher: Jane Gardener

Secretary: Trish Birrell

Sandringham and West Newton Primary School
School Road, West Newton, Norfolk, PE31 6AXUnited Kingdom01485 540506

©2024 Sandringham and West Norfolk Primary School. Site created by Andy Moyle. Admin