Teaching Staff
Mrs Catherine King | Executive Headteacher)/ Curriculum Lead/ Attendance/Assessment / DSL
Mrs Nichola Keir | Executive Deputy Headteacher/ Deputy DSL/ Years 3 and 4 Class Teacher (0.4)/ Curriculum Champion/ English Co-ordinator / RE Co-ordinator
Mrs Chrissie Reddey | Years 5 and 6 Class Teacher/ SENDCo/ Maths Co-ordinator
Mrs Sophie Tilbrook | Years 3 and 4 Class Teacher/ Modern Foreign Languages Co-ordinator
Mrs Melanie Gibson | Years 1 and 2 Class Teacher/ Early Reading Co-ordinator/ Humanities Co-ordinator
Mrs Kate Bamfield | EYFS Class Teacher/ PE Co-ordinator
School Administrator
Mrs Trish Birrell
Learning Support Assistants
Miss Keri Leftley | Years 5 and 6/ PE
Mrs Julie Garrard | Years 3 and 4/ Early Morning Club/ After-School Club
Miss Shannon Wing | Years 3 and 4 (1:1)
Mr Richard Sunderland | Years 1 and 2
Mrs Nicola Mountain | Years 1 and 2
Mrs Rachel Day | Years 5 and 6/ EYFS
Mrs Vicki Warner-Smith | EYFS
Midday Supervisors
Mrs Sam Collison
Mrs Sam Collison
Miss Tegan Collison