Statutory Information
Schools are required to publish certain information and website links pertaining to the school, which are set out below.
Remote learning policy and information for parents
Admissions Policy Primary 2021-2022
Information about admission is available on our admissions page.
Information about our attendance policy can be found here
Attendance Policy Sandringham Federation 2022-23
Contact Details
Executive Headteacher: Catherine King
Executive Deputy Headteacher: Nichola Keir
Secretary: Trish Birrell
Address: Sandringham and West Newton Primary Academy, School Road, West Newton, Norfolk, PE31 6AX
Telephone Number: 01485 540506
Equal opportunities
Equality and Diversity Policy for Employees Mar21 (1)
Equality and Diversity Statutory Duties and Objectives Mar21
Ofsted are the statutory organisation that inspect schools. The latest inspection, in January 2023, judged our school to be good with outstanding for Personal Development . You can view the report on the Ofsted website.The key points are as follows:
- Children get off to a good start in Reception because the excellent ratio of staff to children gives them good individual attention.
- Pupils make good progress through the school from their starting points.
- Teaching is now consistently good and pupils have a thirst for learning. They come each day keen and eager to learn.
- Reading is a particular strength because phonics (how letters link to the sounds they make) are taught well and every pupil practises their reading regularly.
- In class, pupils are attentive and curious to learn; they persevere and try their best.
- Pupils have a very good understanding of how to stay safe and say that the school cares for them well.
- The school meets its aim to provide a broad and rich range of enjoyable activities.
- Parents are very supportive of the school. A typical comment is, ‘A good foundation is laid in this idyllic spot.’ Parents work in close partnership with the school to see their children do well.
- The headteacher and governors have brought about good improvements in teaching and learning since the previous inspection.
Results & School Performance Tables
Each year the Department for Education produces achievement and performance data for every school. This data shows the attainment and progress of children at Year 6 (End of Key Stage 2) as well as data on attendance, SEN, spend per pupil and school workforce information. You can find our school information by on the Department for Education website.
We also have published results on the results page.
Complaints Policy
Information about our curriculum is available on our curriculum page.
Pupil Premium Funding
Details of how the pupil premium funding grant is spent and outcomes are available on our pupil premium funding page.
Health and Safety
Medical policies
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy May 23
Admin of Medicines Policy May 2023
Charging Policy
Details of our charging policy is available on our charging policy page.
Sports Grant
Details of how the pupil sports grant is spent and outcomes are available on our sports grant page.
At school we teach phonics and early reading skills using the Little Wandle approach. You may have heard this referred to as Synthetic Phonics. Synthetic phonics is the breaking down of words into their separate sound components known as phonemes. Phonemes can consist of more than one letter for example ch, oo, er, igh etc. In our teaching we discuss elements such as: Digraphs: these are two letters making a single sound eg: ar, ee, ou etc. Trigraphs are three letters making a single sound eg: igh. A grapheme is a phoneme written down. Segmenting is where you break each word into its separate phonemes, for example ‘chop’ has 3 phonemes, ch/o/p. Blending is simply putting those sounds back together to form a word. Some words in the English language cannot be broken down into separate phonemes. These words are known as tricky words and we teach the children to be able to read and know the whole word, for example, ‘said’ or ‘what’. There are 6 phases within Letters & Sounds and most children will complete Phase 6 by the end of Year 2, however this can continue into Year 3 if required. To help parents to support their children at home we have been given permission to use the brilliant ‘Mr Thorne Does Phonics’ videos. Click here to be taken to his page. These support the development of phonics and early reading skills. The methods you see are the methods that we use in school. It is also vital that the correct pronunciation is used for each phoneme. The video below will help you in supporting your child’s correct sound pronunciation. You may also find this information from Little Wandle useful
Parent View
Ofsted run a parent view page for our school, where you can give your views on the school. You can also view reviews by other parents
Governors play a vital strategic role for the school, acting as a “critical friend”. For details of current governors and a report of last years issues faced and decisions made, please see our governors page.
Safeguarding policy
Safeguarding and child Protection policy 2022-2023
Special Educational Needs Policy
Our SEN policy is available on the special educational needs page.
DNEAT contact details and link to audited accounts
Online policy