Omnes Games Handball @ Lynnsport
Posted on May 31st, 2024
Omnes Games Handball @ Lynnsport Friday 24th May
This was the first time I had seen Handball in action and thoroughly enjoyed it as did the children. The event was aimed at the older children and uses several netball skills although there is no time limit when you have possession. There are the usual techniques for any invasion game, attack and defend however it is a non-contact sport.
It was a festival designed for fun and no scores were taken but that doesn’t stop the children keeping track of them. There were 6 schools taking part in all, South Wootton, Flitcham West Lynn, Greenpark, Nelson Academy and Sandringham, we played them in that order. Each game was centrally timed and you could substitute at any convenient time during the game. The games were quite full on and it was end to end movement so with 3 subs and 5 on the pitch at once, we changed regularly. Our team certainly got involved and embraced the event. Playing confidently and supportively which was great to see. Even though it was just a festival their competitive nature came through and they won all their games.
A comment after was I really enjoyed that, maybe there could be a Handball League.”
Another said “Can we play it at school? It was so much fun.”
It was an enjoyable afternoon and as always they are so appreciative of these opportunities.