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Omnes Games Handball @ Lynnsport

Posted on May 31st, 2024

Omnes Games Handball @ Lynnsport Friday 24th May

This was the first time I had seen Handball in action and thoroughly enjoyed it as did the children. The event was aimed at the older children and uses several netball skills although there is no time limit when you have possession. There are the usual techniques for any invasion game, attack and defend however it is a non-contact sport.

It was a festival designed for fun and no scores were taken but that doesn’t stop the children keeping track of them. There were 6 schools taking part in all, South Wootton, Flitcham West Lynn, Greenpark, Nelson Academy and Sandringham, we played them in that order. Each game was centrally timed and you could substitute at any convenient time during the game. The games were quite full on and it was end to end movement so with 3 subs and 5 on the pitch at once, we changed regularly. Our team certainly got involved and embraced the event. Playing confidently and supportively which was great to see. Even though it was just a festival their competitive nature came through and they won all their games.

A comment after was I really enjoyed that, maybe there could be a Handball League.”

Another said “Can we play it at school? It was so much fun.”

It was an enjoyable afternoon and as always they are so appreciative of these opportunities.











Town Cluster Dynamos Cricket Competition

Posted on May 31st, 2024

Town Cluster Dynamos Cricket Competition

@ North Runcton Cricket Club Monday 20th May

Nine children from Years 5 and 6 took part in this annual event which always proves enjoyable, the setting is lovely. It began as a dull but dry day and ended up sunny and warm which caught the children out a little as there is no shade.  The children were as enthusiastic as ever to be playing against other schools but nervous as we had not played a full game before the event.

Our pool comprised of St Martha’s, the eventual winners who scored over a 100 in all their matches, Holly Meadows and Howard Junior.  The other pool had Gayton, Fairstead who finished 2nd, Ashwicken who were 3rd   and North Wootton in it.

Our first match was against Howard Junior, it was very close and with some tentative but steady bowling we won, second up was Holly Meadows, our confidence was growing and once again we won. Everyone was feeling happy, supporting each other and enjoying the matches but we knew St Martha’s were here to win. Unfortunately we could not match them in anyway; we gave it our all and never gave up and were sporting to the end.

However we finished 2nd in our pool and went on to play Fairstead who were the pool 1 winners, St Martha’s played Ashwicken.  To their credit our children never gave up but the bigger schools were better than us and we went on to lose against Fairstead and then in the 3rd/4th playoff to Ashwicken therefore finishing 4th overall which was a great result given the size of our year groups.

Thank you to the family members who popped over to support and for their lovely comments, it was very much appreciated.

Over the whole day our confidence grew and with that so did our skills, there were some super catches, consistent bowling and batting but importantly they worked as a team, encouraging and supporting each other, that really is what we do best!

Tri golf festival

Posted on May 16th, 2024

Trigolf Festival @ Lynnsport

Thursday 25th April

Twenty children, 10 boys and 10 girls from years, 1/2 and 3/4 attended this event. It was a morning of mixed, rotating activities learning and improving our golfing skills.

It proved to be a lot of fun with our children enjoying the various activities as these comments prove:

“ I didn’t think I could do it, so I was worried but it was lots of fun!”

“ I really liked all the different activities.”

“ It was good.”

“ I think it was really fun as we got to try lots of different things like trying to get the ball in the paddling pool.”

“ I scored lots of points.”

“ I enjoyed playing the one where you had to hit different cones to score points. I really liked it.”

A great festival giving young people a taste of something different.


Girls’Tag Rugby

Posted on May 16th, 2024

Girl’s Tag Rugby Festival @ West Norfolk Rugby Club


It was the first time we had entered this festival and all the girls in 5/6 along with a couple of year 4s took part and embraced the game. They were divided into 2 teams, Sandringham Saints and Storm and they played every team that had attended. It was a tentative start, getting used to a much bigger pitch and the speed at which it is played, the games were back to back. However, they soon adjusted and with every game their skills improved. Although no scores were taken both teams won some of their games with tries being scored by many of them. They all said they had enjoyed the event and the opportunity to play other girl’s teams. The coaches picked out 2 girls from each team who they felt had improved, shown respect, were a good team player and never gave up, they received medals. As always, all our girls deserved those, they just listened and gave it their best shot.

They also had the opportunity to meet, chat to and have their photo taken with Georgie Lingham who is a member of the GB Rugby 7s teams heading to Paris for the Olympics.

Well done everyone!

Hockey FInals

Posted on March 28th, 2024

Yr 5/6 Hockey Finals @ Lynnsport

Monday 25th March 2024

We were one of 8 teams who attended the Finals, Terrington, Gayton, South Wootton, Dersingham, Sheringham, Glebe and Bure Valley and we played them in that order. The matches were 12 minutes long rotating pairs every 4 minutes, most proved to be very evenly matched with only a goal or two in them.

We ended the morning with losses against Terrington 0-1, Glebe 1-3, the event winners, and Sheringham 0-2 the runner’s up, a draw against Dersingham 2-2, 3rd place, and wins against Gayton, 1-0, 4th place, South Wootton, 5-0, and Bure Valley, 2-0. Our final placing was 5th which was a great achievement, given all our hockey lessons this year have been on the playground.

The children as always fought hard and were sporting and didn’t give up even when things didn’t quite go their way which is something I have always admired throughout my years of accompanying them to these events.

Well Played; Foster, Lenny, Isaac, Pip, Ellenie and Maisie.

Elf’s visit

Posted on March 28th, 2024

Elf visited on Wednesday to wish everyone a
Happy Easter; given her 13 years she was more
than happy to have cuddles and strokes from the
children and staff!

Omnes curling

Posted on March 24th, 2024

Omnes Kurling @ Lynnsport


The Omnes events give children a taste of something different. The stones are little platforms on wheels, very similar to the stones in how they are pushed along and let go.  It is hoped they will go far enough to reach a target and score points, like the actual game you can try and knock your opponent’s stone out of the way. However no brushing is necessary! Both groups of children soon got used to it and had great fun getting them to the target. There were several schools from the western area so the children had the chance to rotate and play different people.

An enjoyable afternoon with some very positive thoughts on it.


Netball competition

Posted on March 24th, 2024

Town Cluster Netball Competition

@ The Barn Lynnsport 21/03/24

Over the years this event has proved to be extremely competitive and prior to 2020 the winners and runner ups went on to a County event at Norwich, the SSP are hoping to bring this format back for next year. This year did not disappoint, 9 teams took part and they were divided into 2 pools for the first round matches. The tricky part about Primary School Netball is that you have to follow a set rotation pattern all the team play all the positions, changing at the end of each match so it’s quite a lot to get used to.

In Pool 1 were Sandringham Pulse, Ashwicken, Greyfriars and St Martha’s Thunder, playing them in that order, narrowly losing the first 2 matches 1-2, 0-1 but then winning their final pool game 1-0. They finished 3rd and went on to play Gayton the 3rd place team in pool 2, drawing and finishing joint 5th overall. They worked well together, supporting and encouraging each other through the position rotations, with every match they improved, listening to advice. The comments afterwards were very positive and they certainly seemed to have enjoyed themselves.

Pool 2 had Sandringham Storm, Flitcham, Gayton, St Martha’s Lightning and Fairstead, we played in that order winning 3-0, 6-0, 1-0, 4-0. The team made good use of the court, finding space, passing accurately, defending well and there were some great goals scored, and with Pip scoring the decisive one against St Martha’s to enable us to top our pool. We then had to play St Martha’s Thunder in the semi-final; with Neve scoring all 3 goals we won 3-0. In the final we were against St Martha’s Lightning who had beaten Ashwicken 3-0 in their semi. It was all very exciting, with our Pulse team cheering us on we scored first, it really was end to end passes and then it went 1-1 but the girls and boys kept their nerve and control , found space, defended well and went on to win 3-1. It was heart-warming to see their faces, the pleasure it gave them, how proud they were to have come out on top.  Their support for each other is immense with the Pulse team running on and celebrating too. I was so proud of them all.

They were all amazing and a credit to you and our school!

Well Done Sandringham!!!!

Girls’ football

Posted on March 22nd, 2024

Football Tournament @ Lynnsport

Thursday 29th February

This was a relatively new event which proved very popular with 11 teams taking part. The schools were divided into 2 pools, we were pitted against Snettisham, Clenchwarton, Hillcrest, Dersingham and St Martha’s. The other pool had South Wootton, Fairstead, Terrington, Gayton and Upwell.

It was quite a dreary day but not as bad as it was originally forecast and all the girls had a good time, it was not as intimidating as playing with the boys, they said which certainly gave them confidence. Within our pool we drew 1 game, lost 2 but won 2, this left us in 3rd place which meant we played the 3rd placed team in the other pool, Gayton. It was a close game but we lost 2-1, meaning we finished 6th overall. The girls were so positive throughout the event and really gelled together, this will give them a good understanding and stand them in good stead for future events.

To see them all getting involved, working as a team and gaining confidence with each game was great!

A Super Well Done Everyone!

Hockey high jinx

Posted on March 18th, 2024

SSP Quicksticks Cup Competition @ Lynnsport

Monday 4th March

Once again this was a new event for years 5/6 which then leads to a County Finals Tournament at Dereham. There were 18 teams taking part from all over the west of the county which were then divided into 4 pools. Each team comprised of 3 boys and 3 girls, hence the need to include some younger girls as we had entered 2 teams.

Everyone was very excited and the sun shone despite it being a little chilly when it disappeared behind a cloud. Mrs Day took Sandringham Steelers to their pool with Gayton, Dersingham and Howard Junior. They played well and really improved as the event went on culminating in them winning their play off game against Fairstead from group 1.

Sandringham Sharks headed to group 1 alongside Terrington, Fairstead, Flitcham and Hillcrest which we played in that order. It was a tentative start but we managed to win all our games conceding only 1 goal against Fairstead. They all worked very hard coping well with the 4-minute rotations throughout the games and supporting the younger players on their team. They then had to play Gayton for a semi-final place, unfortunately Gayton scored early on and maintained their 1 goal advantage to the end, we were not without a chance or two but it just didn’t happen. Despite their obvious disappointment they were as always sporting, leaving Gayton to take on St Marthas for 3rd/4th position, Dersingham and Glebe fought out the final with Dersingham winning on a golden goal. The Sharks finished a very creditable joint 7th with the Steelers in 15th.

Everyone was extremely positive and thoroughly enjoyed the day.

A fantastic day!

Great Effort;

Foster, Lenny, Dylan, George, William, Isaac R, Pip, Maisie, Elennie, Harriet, Bridget, Georgina.


Contact Details

Executive Headteacher: Catherine King

Executive Deputy Headteacher: Nichola Kerr

Secretary: Trish Birrell

Sandringham and West Newton Primary School
School Road, West Newton, Norfolk, PE31 6AXUnited Kingdom01485 540506

©2025 Sandringham and West Norfolk Primary School. Site created by Andy Moyle. Admin